With my acceptance into the JFK 50 mile run I have decided to bag Ironman Wisconsin. I have done 3 Ironman and honestly am tired of them and was ready to move on. The ultra bug has bit me and I am loving it! Training wise I didn't want to cause myself high anxiety of being sure I got enough bike time in for the Ironman as well as run time for a couple other running events I have committed to this year and $$ wise, I will lose some of my entry fee but wont have the expense of the hotel and travel and food. Much cheaper to stay in Hagerstown MD then in Madison Wisconsin that's fo sure! I also decided to do a 100K at the end of September since it is only an hours drive from home, after that the JFK50 should feel like a breeze?? On another note last week I decided what the heck lets do the Little Smokies Half Ironman in a week in a half, you've been on your bike a whooping 3 times and in the pool 4 times you are so ready! ha Well since that decision I did do the TOSRV 105 mile bike ride last weekend and this week did 2 short true brick workouts, one ride was 16 miles the other 12 and did just one lap of the Half Ironman run course, all I can say is Jenn - you should sometimes think a little bit more before you commit to things haha.... It's gonna be painful but I will enjoy myself. I definitely could feel the difference in my bike muscles and running muscles and the 56 mile hilly ass bike course is gonna devour my quads for the hilly ass run course. I've done the race before, actually the entire weekend event called the American TTT on 3 occasions and it's a tough tough course but typically I have had much more bike and swim time in. I just didnt find the time due to training for the Labor Of Love 50 miler plus I didnt need to find the time since the Half Ironman I was planning on doing wasnt until July with the full in September. This will be good training for that half coming up? hahaha Train for a half with a half.
In some other news I found out that I qualified for the 50 States Marathon club, so this will be another focus. It wont become an obsession just a plan to finish by the time I am 50 years old and the plan will be finish on my 50th Birthday with either the Cowtown Marathon or Cowtown Ultra in Texas. Each year it is my birthday weekend and in 6 more years my birthday will be on a Sunday! YEAH how fun! The hard part about this new goal is I will be doing some marathons and Ultras in States that I have already completed and my mind says don't waste your miles pounding on a State that is complete, but if I give myself till Im 50 to finish maybe it will be doable even with the bonus runs added in here and there.